Spectre Digital Extinction Level Event Master Kit (KONTAKT)


Extinction Level Event Drums is one of the most natural and realistic drum libraries on the market. We meticulously sampled each aspect of our drums so that you have the most musical, dynamic layers possible.

We developed a custom mixing panel right into ELE where you can control drum bleed, microphone levels, and even bring in your own one-shot sample right into the instrument.

We also spent a LONG time creating amazing presets for you to use that’ll fit right into your songs… the mixing panel includes all of the EQ and post-processing tools you need if you want to tweak and create your own sounds.

There is also a fully functional MIDI Groove Player inside of ELE. You can select the perfect groove for your music right within ELE and drag it into your DAW–without needing to program a single drum hit.

ELE runs in the Free Kontakt Player and is fully integrated with NKS. You don’t need to buy anything extra to get earth-shattering drums!

ELE also makes MIDI-remapping a breeze, so if you prefer to play on an electronic drum kit or just want to change the notes for your drum map, it’s only a matter of a few clicks.

Extinction Level Event Drums是市场上最自然和逼真的鼓库之一。我们精心采样了鼓的每个方面,以便您拥有最音乐、最动态的层次。
ELE中还内置了一个功能齐全的MIDI Groove Player。你可以在ELE中直接选择适合你音乐的节奏,并将其拖入你的DAW中,而无需编写任何鼓点。
ELE在免费Kontakt Player中运行,并与NKS完全集成。您无需购买任何额外的东西即可获得震撼人心的鼓!
ELE 还使 MIDI 重映射变得轻而易举,因此如果您更喜欢在电子鼓套件上演奏,或者只是想更改鼓图的音符,只需点击几下即可完成。
